… Belarus
… Bulgaria
- The National Archival Portal by the Archives State Agency of the Republic of Bulgaria provides a general overview of the country’s military and territorial archive departments.
… Croatia
- The Croatian State Archives keeps over 29,000 shelf meters or archival records, from 10th century till today, arranged in more than 2,150 archival fonds and collections. Fonds and collections contain the records created by the activity of central bodies of government administration and administration of justice, educational, cultural, health and military institutions, records created by distinguished individuals and families, and of Croatian immigrants.
… Czech Republic
… Estonia
… Germany
… Hungary
… Kazakhstan
- The Central State Archives of the Republic of Kayakhstan is only available in Russian and Kazakh. It contains guides to holdings collections, archival history, publications, exhibits, news items and more.
… Latvia
… Lithuania
… Macedonia
… Moldova
… Poland
- The Head Office of the State Archives is a useful search tool for finding descriptions of all state archival materials.
- The National Archives in Krakow is one of the main archives in Poland [read more on our site]
- Digital Archives of National Commission of Solidarity Trade Union collects, develops, stores and publishes online archival materials of the Independent Self-governing Labour Union “Solidarity”, primarily from the 1976-1990 period. The original Archives are located at the National Commission of “Solidarity” head office and serve the purpose of documenting the social phenomenon of democratic opposition in Poland, in particular in the 1980s. Apart from documents, it holds audio and video recordings, photographs and other precious items. The Archives continuously add and digitise new, both private and institutional, collections from various parts of Poland. [read more on our site]
… Romania
… Russia
- The Archives of Russia is an extensive portal and excellent starting point.
- The Russian State Historical Archive (RGIA) is the largest archive in Europe and one of the largest in the world, a priority for UNESCO [read more on our site]
- The State Archive of the Russian Federation (GARF) stores documents that have been issued by the highest legislative, executive and judicial organs since about 1800, but it owns documents of other origins as well. Among them are personal archives (of emperors and empresses, other members of the dynasty, nobles, important bureaucrats) and sources about the history of the so-called White Movement and Emigration. GARF’s collection comprises not only documents but also various types of printed publications and audio-visual material. [read more on our site]
- The Russian State Archive of Ancient Acts (RGADA) houses the biggest collection of sources prior to 1800 in the Russian Federation. The oldest documents date from the 12th century, the youngest ones from the late 19th. [read more on our site]
- The Archive of the Russian Academy of Sciences is an impressive archives containing Russian history of science and history of humanities since the 16th century, located both in Moscow [read more on our site] and St. Petersburg. [read more on our site]
- The Russian State Archive for Scientific-technical Documentation is another impressive archives containing materials on the history of science and technology, especially space activities, rockets, defense, scientific-technical complex etc. for the period from the 1930s to the present, also located in Moscow. [read more on our site]
- The Russian State Archive of Socio-Political History (RGASPI) holds material from three thematic fields: documents on the social and political history of Western Europe (17th – beginning of the 20th century), documents on the political and social history of Russia and the Soviet Union (end of the 19th – beginning of the 21st century) as well as documents on the history of the international socialist and communist labor movement (1860s – end of the 1980s). [read more on our site]
- The Государственный фонд кинофильмов Российской Федерации or Госфильмофонд России (ГФФ) / The Russian State Film Foundation or The Gosfil’mofond of Russia (GFF) is the largest film archive in Russia. It specializes in motion pictures, both Russian (including Soviet) and foreign, but its vast collection contains non-fiction films and newsreels as well. There is also a paper archive where film accompanying documents are kept. [read more on our site]
- Digital archive “Prozhito” collects and publishes diaries from a wide range of people from the 18th to the 21st century. The diaries are mostly in Russian and Ukrainian. The archive is managed by a group of volunteers who publish diaries from archives, online sources and personal diaries given to “Prozhito”. So far the archive contains over 2700 diaries. The website is available in Russian and English. All entries are in Russian or Ukrainian though. [read more on our site]
… Serbia
- The Serbian Archive Network lists the impressive number of archival centers available.
- The Archives of Yugoslavia is in charge of collecting, keeping, organizing, processing and making available for use archival holdings created in the work of institutions of the Yugoslav state (since its foundation in 1918 until its breakup in 2006) and some persons.
Its Photo Archive is dedicated to acknowledging Yugoslavia as a heritage through preservation [read more on our site]
… Slovakia
… Slovenia
… Turkey
… Ukraine
- Archives of Ukraine is a basic website containing state, central and regional archive listings.
- The Sectoral State Archive of the Security Services of Ukraine (HDA SBU) in Kyiv holds rich materials from security and intelligence institutions in Ukraine from the Soviet times. [read more on our site]
- Digital archive “Prozhito” collects and publishes diaries from a wide range of people from the 18th to the 21st century. The diaries are mostly in Russian and Ukrainian. The archive is managed by a group of volunteers who publish diaries from archives, online sources and personal diaries given to “Prozhito”. So far the archive contains over 2700 diaries. The website is available in Russian and English. All entries are in Russian or Ukrainian though. [read more on our site]
… the United States of America
… Other Online Archives
- USC Shoah Foundation Visual History Archive is an online portal that allows users to search through and view 55,000 audiovisual testimonies of survivors and witnesses of the Holocaust and other genocides that have been catalogued and indexed at the Institute. These testimonies were conducted in 64 countries and in 42 languages [read more on our site]
Photo: Documents at the IPN HQ at 28 Towarowa Street in Warsaw – by Adrian Grycuk (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0 pl], via Wikimedia Commons