Author(s): Arend, Jan (2018) – last update: 2018-07-05.
The Санкт-Петербургский филиал Архива Российской Академии Наук / Sankt-Peterburgskii filial Arkhiva Rossiiskoi Akademii Nauk / The Archive of the Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg Branch, established in 1728, holds documents, photographs, cartographic material and scientific works from various fields in Russian history of science and history of humanities since the 16th century. The bulk of the material pertains to the activities of the Russian Academy of Sciences and various associated institutions. The Saint Petersburg branch holds materials from 1934. The archive is especially rich in material that relates to the members of the Academy.
How to find the archive sites
How to plan and to prepare a visit
The best metro stations to arrive at are “Университетская набережная (Кунсткамера)” (Universitetskaia Naberezhnaia (Kunstkamera) or “Биржевая площадь” (Birzhevaia ploshchad’)
You can also arrive by bus (7, 10, 24, 47, 191) or trolleybus (1, 7, 10, 11) to stop “Биржевая площадь” (Birzhevaia ploshchad’).
For more maps:
Forms for registration and ordering can be downloaded on the archives website:
The registration process, however, is on site. You will have to show your passport with visa for humanitarian/scientific-technical exchange and a letter of introduction from your institution (otnoshenie) addressed to the Director of the Archive (currently: Ирина Владимировна ТУНКИНА/ Irina Vladimirovna Tunkina).
For foreign citizens it is recommended to contact the archive in advance of the visit to make sure you have all the required material/references/documents.
If you require advice on how to enter Russia, please visit the Russian Visa Requirements page. Specific to Europe, Russian consulates take 3 to 10 business days for the visa processing. In addition, Russian visas issued by the consulates in Europe may have a five day “waiting period” on entering Russia, i.e. the person cannot travel to Russia for at least 5 days after the visa is issued.
Reading Rooms
The Archive of the National Museum makes the collections of Československé dokumentační středisko accessible in its reading room:
Archiv Národního muzea – studovna (Archive of the National Museum – Reading Room)
Na Zátorách 6
170 00 Praha 7 – Holešovice
Opening hours:
Monday: closed
Tuesday: 8.30-12.00 and 12.30-16.00
Wednesday: 8.30-12.00 and 12.30-18.00
Thursday: 8.30-12.00 and 12.30-16.00
Friday: closed
Reading Room Rules and Regulations
The reading room is quite small with only about a dozen working spaces.
If you order material on Monday, you will receive it on Wednesday or Thursday. If you order on Wednesday or Thursday, you will receive it on Monday.
To order files in advance of your arrival, call: +7 (812) 323-08-21 or write to
At any one time you can work with five files.
Do not try to copy or photograph files on your own. Copies and photo prints can be obtained for a fee (see the price list online):
Archive databases & Online finding aids
There is quite an extensive online database: There are also many printed finding aids that can be consulted on site.
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