Author(s): Philipp Türmer (2018) – last update: 2018-04-19.
Today’s Museum of Yugoslavia was once named the Museum of Yugoslav History up until the end of 2016. The name was changed twenty years after it was established (1996) by merging and simultaneously dissoluting the following two institutions: the Memorial Center “Josip Broz Tito” and the Museum of the Revolution of Yugoslav Nations and Ethnic Minorities. Due to the socio-historical circumstances, wars and the breakup of Yugoslavia in the 1990s, these museums became a burden, unwanted witnesses of the past, traces of which were being thoroughly erased from the present. The funds of these two institutions served as the basis on which, according to a political decision, the new museum was established. Even though this musealization of Yugoslavia was supposed to “put it on the shelf” in accordance with the understanding of a museum as a storage place for “old and unnecessary things”, it turned out that the collections, histories, documentation and employees of these two institutions became the basis of a twenty-year long search for ways of acknowledging Yugoslavia as a heritage.
The photo editing project of MIJ aims at finding new approaches to cultural heritage. It acknowledges the influence a photograph can have on the perception and understanding of historical moments. The photos will be provided to all visitors – both to those who visit the real museum and those who visit it virtually. They shall contribute to a better understanding of iconic photos and the re-examination of the context from which they arose.
Muzej Jugoslavije / The Museum of Yugoslavia
Mihaila Mike Jankovica 6
11000 Belgrade
Archival information: tel. +381 11 3671 485
Office hours (museum): Tuesday–Sunday 10.00–20.00 (April 15 – October 15) / Tuesday–Sunday 10.00–18.00 (October 15 – April 15); the museum is closed on Mondays
How to find the Archive sites
How to plan and to prepare a visit
Please, check out the website for basic information on the materials stored in the Museum of Yugoslavia’s photo archive.
For admission, please register online. For further information, please send an email to:
Reading Room rules and regulations
For further information, please send an email to:
Archive databases & Online finding aids
An online database and archival finding aids are listed in Serbian on the museum’s website.
Practical advice
- Many countries do not require a visa for entry into Serbia. (Click here to see the list of coutnries with visa-free access.) If you require advice on how to attain a visa into Serbia, please visit the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia page, which lists the general entry requirements.
- The Museum of Yugoslavia keeps a significant archive of recorded exhibitions, conferences, seminars and educational programs, from which one can learn about the views and opinions of the museum’s curators and educators, as well as presentations from guest experts on important topics from the history of Yugoslavia and their reflections on the present.
- The tomb of Josip Broz Tito is located in the House of Flowers, which is a part of the Museum of Yugoslavia complex.
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