Author(s): Anke Oehler (2018) – last update: 2018-11-28
The электронный архив Прожито/ digital archive “Prozhito” collects and publishes diaries from a wide range of people from the 18th to the 21st century. The diaries are mostly in Russian and Ukrainian. The archive is managed by a group of volunteers who publish diaries from archives, online sources and personal diaries given to “Prozhito”. So far the archive contains over 2700 diaries. The website is available in Russian and English. All entries are in Russian or Ukrainian though.
Telephone: +7 926-984-26-60
How to plan and to prepare a visit
The entire archive is online.
No registration needed.
Reading Rooms
The entire archive is online.
Archive databases & Online finding aids
Please note that the archive does not include the diaries in the original. Only the text entries are electronically availibale. However, thanks to its electronically searchable database, there is a good possibility of finding diaries and authors. If the diary was given to the archive it is possible to request the original or the scanned documents. Otherwise the diary source is given.
Please note that some published diaries are still a work-in-progress, so entries may still be missing. This is clearly marked though.
The diaries are searchable by various keywords, names, dates and locations. Often information about the authors is given. Although not necessarily a scientifically usable archive, “Prozhito” is a helpful tool to locate diaries and ego-documents.
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