Author(s): Dannie Snyder (2018) – last update: 2018-05-17.
The Visual History Archive is an online portal from USC Shoah Foundation that allows users to search through and view 55,000 audiovisual testimonies of survivors and witnesses of the Holocaust and other genocides that have been catalogued and indexed at the Institute. These testimonies were conducted in 64 countries and in 42 languages.
Telephone: U.S. 213-740-6001
USC Shoah Foundation–The Institute for Visual History and Education
Leavey Library
650 W. 35th Street, Suite 114
Los Angeles, CA 90089-2571
The Institute offers access to the Visual History Archive to subscribing institutions, including universities, museums, libraries, centers and memorial sites. Subscriptions come in two forms: full access and partial access. Full access to the over 55,000 testimonies in the Visual History Archive is provided to 97 subscribing institutions in 15 countries around the world, including USC. Partial access is granted to 229 institutions in 36 countries. These smaller collections vary in size but in general range between a handful and several thousand copies of testimonies in the Visual History Archive. Also, to accommodate incredible demand from outside of the subscribing institutions, the Institute has established the Visual History Archive Online, which enables any user with an Internet connection to access indexing data on the 55,000 interviewees, and provides access to 3,104 full-length video testimonies. If you are not currently on the USC secure network, you can still use the Visual History Archive Online, which has access to the entire metadata of the Archive but with limited viewing access to 3,104 testimonies. The free registration form for accessing the Visual History Archive Online can be found here:
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